Bed Ridden Stroke Patient Care
Brain Hemorrhage or Bed Ridden Stroke Patient Care Service At Home
Brain Hemorrhage is a type of Stroke. When an artery in the brain burst’s and bleeding occurs in the surrounding tissues that causes brain hemorrhage. This bleeding kills brain Cells due to which most of patient gets bed ridden for few days and require Bed Ridden Stroke Patient Care At Home.What Happens During a Brain Hemorrhage?
When blood from trauma disturbs brain tissues, it causes swelling, known as cerebral edema. The pooled blood collects into a mass called a hematoma. This increases pressure on nearby tissue, and causes reduction in vital blood flow and kills brain cells.
Bleeding can occur inside the brain, between the brain and the membranes that cover it, between the layers of the brain's covering or between the skull and the covering of the brain.
What Causes Bleeding in the Brain or Brain Hemorrhage or Stroke?
The risk factors and brain hemorrhage causes. The most common include:
Head trauma
High blood pressure
Blood vessel abnormalities
Amyloid angiopathy
Blood or bleeding disorders
Liver disease
Brain tumors
Symptoms of Brain Hemorrhage or Stroke?
- A sudden severe headache
- Seizures with no previous history of seizures
- Weakness in an arm or leg
- Nausea or vomiting
- Decreased alertness; lethargy
- Changes in vision
- Tingling or numbness
- Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty writing or reading
- Loss of fine motor skills, such as hand tremors
- Loss of coordination
- Loss of balance
- An abnormal sense of taste
- Loss of consciousness
As brain hemorrhages are associated with specific risk factors, we can minimize our risk in the following ways:
- Treat high blood pressure. Studies show that 80% of cerebral hemorrhage patients have a history of high blood pressure. The single most important thing you can do is control yours through diet, exercise, and medication.
- Don’t smoke.
- Don’t use drugs. .
- Drive carefully, and wear your seat belt.
- If you ride a motorcycle, always wear a helmet.
- Investigate corrective surgery.
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